Demonstration video: Hiroe Swen creates three series of artworks

Artist: Hiroe Swen
Filming: Yumiko Starke
Editing: Michael Lawrence-Taylor
Subtitle: Chiaki Ajioka
Filming assist & whole management: Mayumi Shinozaki
Step 1.1 Create a sculptural top piece (4.24min)
Step 1.2 Carve out backside (3.01min)
Step 1.3 Build up coils(5.55min)
Step 1.4 Smoothen the interior(3.27min)
Step 1.5 Make the base & create the surface features (5.38min)
Step 1.6 Detail the surface features (6.2min)
Step 1.7 Beautify bottom lines (4.06min)
Step 1.8 Perfect the surface features (11.34min)
Step 1.9 Polish 4.16 (4.16min)
Step 1.10 Wash off the dust after biscuit firing 2.19 (2.19min)
Step 2.1 Design with underglaze 4.01(4.01min)
Step 2.2 Hand-spray clear glaze 1.09 (1.09min)

Artist: Hiroe Swen
Filming: Yumiko Starke
Editing: Michael Lawrence-Taylor
Subtitle: Chiaki Ajioka
Proof-reading: Edie Young
Filming assist & whole management: Mayumi Shinozaki
Step 1.1 Design & create plaster stamps (4.27min)
Step 1.2 Make perfect slabs (3.09min)
Step 1.3 Rolling & Marking slabs (2.45min)
Step 1.4 Design the slab surface with stamps (3.23min)
Step 1.5 Cut out five slabs (1.36min)
Step 1.6 Assemble slabs (4.25min)
Step 1.7 Reinforce joints (3.24min)
Step 1.8 Create beautiful corner lines (5.15min)
Step 2.1 Apply matt glaze inside (1.41min)
Step 2.2 Apply black underglaze on the patterns (1.47min)
Step 2.3 Mark the borderline (0.58min)
Step 2.4 Add clear glaze onto the patterns (5.06min)
Step 2.6 Wipe off extra clear glaze (1.04min)
Step 2.7 Apply dark glaze to the outer (2.02min)
Step 2.8 Wipe off extra dark glaze (1.31min)

Artist: Hiroe Swen
Filming: Yumiko Starke
Editing: Michael Lawrence-Taylor
Subtitle: Chiaki Ajioka
Proof-reading: Edie Young
Filming assist & whole management: Mayumi Shinozaki
Step 1.1 Start coil building (7.26min)
Step 1.2 Add a few more coils (3.24min)
Step 1.3 Tidy up outer line & interior (6.57min)
Step 1.4 Complete the top shape with another coil (4.47min)
Step 1.5 Curve the shape (7.16min)
Step 1.6 Add accent to the top rim (1.47min)